Wednesday, March 07, 2007

comfort | stimulation | imagination

When we lived in London, we'd come home and one of us would start dinner. We listened to the radio when we cooked (mainly because the stereo was 2 rooms away) and one of us would sit on the steps which led down our kitchen and recount their days events while the other chopped, sealed and sauced.

The radio was always tuned to Jazz FM. It was a part of our London life even before we moved there.

Before, when I lived in Epsom, Surrey (45mins by train outside London) I listened to Jazz FM. The boys I shared the house with listened to Kiss FM but it was a bit too rowdy for me. (However, come Sunday night all radios including mine were tuned to Giles Peterson’s the VibraZone). Some of the daytime stuff on Jazz FM was a bit light and crappy but the weekend shows were really decent and very educational for a student-muso like myself.

It was also where I first discovered Communter Jazz. 2 hrs of free jazz every Friday at the Royal Festival Hall Foyer Bar. I used to get the train up on my own just for that. And on the occassion that Tracey was visiting, we'd go together. It was romantic and exciting.

Over the years Jazz FM became inextricably intertwined in our relationship and its music was always around in some way or another.

Similarly, on all our long journeys in the car we listened to Radio 4 . It was a great companion for me when I used to teach snowboarding in Tamworth (6hrs roundtrip) and Milton Keynes (3hrs roundtrip) and for all the weekend journeys Tracey and I made to Somerset to see the folks.

The Archers, the afternoon play, Woman's hour, Money Box. Though it all sounds a bit middle aged and middle England, listening to audio dramatisations and the like are alot more stimulating and engaging. The words make pictures in your brain and like the sensation of reading a book, its your imagations that creates the imagery.

I love the spoken word. I don't think I've ever lost the attraction to it since my Dad read me bedtime stories as a child. I read to Tracey and sometimes she's reads to me. Its a comforting feeling.

Recently I came over all nostalgic. I felt like listening to something. Something new but familiar.

I had an idea. Streaming audio, of course! So, with the Power the Internet™ I logged onto to both Jazz FM and Radio 4 and immersed myself in aural pleasure.


Blogger spentrails said...

Nice remarks. I recently acquired this thing, which allows you to listen to internet radio without having to have the computer on. Only thing is, it works with wireless internet. Hey ho, it allows me to listen to all sorts of stuff while chopping, searing and eating in London.

9:55 am  

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