Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well the christmas period has come and gone. I didn't gorge myself stupid but we enjoyed a few fine meals. I got Tracey an authentic italian cookbook for xmas. Its excellent, not only does it have recipes but its also the jottings of 3 people who travelled through Italy (2 restaurateurs and a chef) with photos and anecdotes.

We both read it avidly and within days out came Tracey's pasta maker which has been in the box for 4 years. Inspired, we also made our first trip to the Matakana Farmers Market where we picked up some excellent fresh produce: red wine vinegar, smoked garlic, mozzerella, pecorino, peppers and fresh bread.

Our basket bursting we returned home where we promptly set up about preparing our dishes. Tracey selected "Pasta in the style of the coalminer" and I went for the "Roasted peppers under oil". Watching the pasta come together from flour and eggs was great, then T passed it through the rollers, left it to dry then after passed it through cutters to make fettucine.

While she was busy with this I roasted the peppers. Using some smoked garlic, some scorched rosemary and olive oil I diligently followed the recipe and set it aside.

The hour came when dinner was served. Tracey dished up the pasta. The moment of truth! It was, to say the least, an amazing meal. We ate far more than we should have as it was so good.

Relunctantly, I served the peppers. "I can't possibly follow that", I thought. But I was pleasantly surprised when they turned out to be just as delicious.

So 2 recipes down and many more to go.


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