Sunday, December 10, 2006


I haven't written much for a while. Its not that there isnt stuff going on, just its a bit everyday and mundane to discuss. Last night this fact was captured perfectly in a scene from the movie "Old School".

Massive house party, a college student offers Frank a blast of beer from a funnel and pipe.

Frank: Ah no thanks, I told my wife I wouldn't drink tonight. Besides, I got a big day tomorrow. You guys have a great time.
College Student: A big day? Doing what?
Frank: Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time!"
College Student looks baffled then bursts into hysterics

That's our life. It wouldn't be so fucking funny if it weren't true.

Other stuff that's been happening:

Apparently Christmas is just around the corner but its so sunny and hot I keep forgetting about it. Until there's an ad on TV or I go to a shop with absurd Santas and snowmen in the window, its just totally lost on me. Without the climatic cues of dark miserable weather and face-freezing temperatures I just can't get my head around it.

We have a garden but no idea what plants are in it. Its getting a bit out of control with the hot weather but we'd totally underestimated the work that would be involved in keep a garden. We've just left it and hoped it would take care of itself - and that aint happening!

Yesterday, a young kid came around to quote us on grass cutting. Tracey and I decided that we could spend $45 so when he came back to us with the quote: "Erm, 15 bucks?", he said hopefully.

"And how about for the road reserve aswell?", asked Tracey (the road reserve is the grass verge beyond our property, usually tended by the council, its twice as big as our lawn but its looking scraggy and overgrown.) "Hmmm", said Pete. "So this whole area, okay but I'll also have to charge you for disposal of the I could do the lot for $25".

I nearly pissed myself - its was so cheap.

I found a place that will sell my photos as art canvases. Better off on someone's wall than sitting on my hard drive. They do however, need to sort out their website and action some proper marketing for it also - the proprietor agrees - there's been no sales in the 2 months this service has been available.

I had to let the bass palyer in the blues band go. This was difficult as these things always are. However, my gut instinct at the beginning was that it wasn't going to work and I ignored that. I was very patient and thought things might improve. They didn't. In a nutshell: he's been playing for 4 years, we've been playing over 20. I hate when I ignore my instincts because they are always right. We'll search for a replacement in the New Year.

On the upside I went to visit Dom and Caprice. I knew Dom from working at DDB. I knew he was in a band as we even rehearsed in the same place. Dom has had difficulty completing his line-up and apart from a few jams, nothing has really come out of it.

That night he played me some of his tracks of his band back in SA,Waverley from their albums Down with Words and Give Back the Radio And, to be honest they were FUCKING AWESOME! I'm such a cynical muso bastard that it takes alot to impress me but this stuff KICKED ASS. It sounded like a cross between Sum 41 and A so I immediately volunteered myself for any future developments.

Dom was stoked. I think he looks up to me. Both him and Caprice are from Durban and they remind me of Jussi and Linds. Just lovely, genuine, funny people. I like being around them and rocking out with Dom is going to be heaps of fun.


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