i can design
At various times at work I'll either feel really good or totally adrift.
Lately its been more the latter than the former. Some kind of building induced stupour sets in and I just cant do anything. Coupled with the inability to function comes the stern questioning of the "why" guy. A voice in my head who is very persistent. Why can't you do this simple task? Why is it taking you so long? Why didnt you finish this yesterday?
After a completely crap 48hrs of "him" banging on while I struggled to find the answers as well as to do any work that was half decent. I finished work-related work and since there was nothing else to do I got on with doing some tee shirt designs for a clothing company. In less than an hour I'd done this.
Once I'd finished this little guy, I was really happy. I said "YAY" rather too loudly in the office causing everyone to turn around. Nevertherless I proudly printed him out on A3 and pasted on my wall.
A cross between Ike from SouthPark and something from Designers Republic if I had to describe him I'd say he's a content baby who is happily dozing after doing a poo.
I'm calling him Happy Chappy™. He makes me happy just by looking at him - he's also kinda cute. Expect to see him on a t-shirt fairly soon.
So you see Mr "why guy", I can do it, I can bloody design, so sod off.
Lately its been more the latter than the former. Some kind of building induced stupour sets in and I just cant do anything. Coupled with the inability to function comes the stern questioning of the "why" guy. A voice in my head who is very persistent. Why can't you do this simple task? Why is it taking you so long? Why didnt you finish this yesterday?
After a completely crap 48hrs of "him" banging on while I struggled to find the answers as well as to do any work that was half decent. I finished work-related work and since there was nothing else to do I got on with doing some tee shirt designs for a clothing company. In less than an hour I'd done this.
Once I'd finished this little guy, I was really happy. I said "YAY" rather too loudly in the office causing everyone to turn around. Nevertherless I proudly printed him out on A3 and pasted on my wall.
A cross between Ike from SouthPark and something from Designers Republic if I had to describe him I'd say he's a content baby who is happily dozing after doing a poo.
I'm calling him Happy Chappy™. He makes me happy just by looking at him - he's also kinda cute. Expect to see him on a t-shirt fairly soon.
So you see Mr "why guy", I can do it, I can bloody design, so sod off.